2012 Highlights of Performance |
Sustainable Company
- Reduced our total waste generated (hazardous and non-hazardous) globally by 14% over 2011 levels.
- Achieved Zero Waste to Landfill at our Stockport site in the UK through the implementation of recycling and reuse programs and an initiative to send hazardous waste to offsite waste-to-energy facilities.
- Reduced CO2 emissions by 27% at our Balkhausen location in Germany by switching to a utility provider that increased the supply of renewable energy.
- Expanded Green Team created at our headquarters in Milwaukee to other locations across North America.
- Launched a compost program at Brady’s employee cafeteria in Milwaukee in partnership with Growing Power, a non-profit organization that provides safe, affordable and healthy foods to communities.
- Hosted an Earth Day Tradeshow at our Good Hope and Camden locations to engage employees on Brady’s sustainability programs and provide them with practical knowledge, tools and actions to support a healthier environment both at work and at home.
- Improved the accuracy and consistency of our enterprise-wide environmental data collection system by implementing operational improvements and having the data audited by our internal audit team.

Sustainable Customers
- Completed the pilot process on 4 new product design projects and 2 existing products to understand the effectiveness of our DfE indicators and tools.
- Refined the DfE program and indicators based on learnings from the pilot.
- Established a DfE mentor program to provide resources and training to product development teams at the most impactful stage of design to reduce environmental impact.
- Completed an Opportunity Brainstorm Tool to guide team members in the new product development process to incorporate environmental considerations early in the design process.
Sustainable Communities
- Incorporated “Life at Brady” activities focusing on our commitments to our employees under our Sustainable Communities Pillar to ensure they align with the strategic sustainability priorities of our organization.
- Contributed $1,524,622– both cash and in-kind – to global social service non-profits through the Brady Corporation Foundation and corporate giving programs.
- Brady employees contributed 7,231 volunteer hours through company-sponsored programs and events.
- Expanded the Employee Volunteer Program to all 12 sites in North America.
- Continued our Brady Corporation Foundation partnerships in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
- Improved our employee training development program with a partnership with Skillsoft.
- Grew the impact of the Women’s Leadership Alliance with expansion across North America and an expanded mentor program.