Management Approach
At Brady, we believe in building strong and sustainable communities through strategic investments as well as through the commitments and service of our employees.
Our belief in building strong and sustainable communities applies to both the local communities in which we operate and to our internal employee community at Brady. Therefore in 2012, we expanded the scope of our “Sustainable Communities” pillar to include our “Life at Brady” programming which focuses on building our internal employee talent through on-going training and leadership development. Both sections have been combined in the 2012 update report.
The mission of the Sustainable Communities pillar has been updated to reflect this focus, and is to build strong and sustainable communities where we live and work through employee development inside Brady and employee volunteering and corporate giving with our community partners. The main focus areas of our "Sustainable Communities" pillar will include Brady’s Employees, the Brady Corporation Foundation, the Employee Volunteer Program, and Corporation Giving.
Brady's Sustainable Community Council monitors our commitments and goals for progress in the Community pillar, and is led by our Senior Vice President of Human Resources. This council oversees the plans and activities of the regional Sustainable Communities Teams (Americas, APAC and Europe) and meets bi-monthly to review all current projects and any issues of concern that may arise. The regional teams meet more frequently to manage activities.
The total value of our corporate charitable contributions—both cash and in-kind—is one indicator that helps us measure our commitment to strengthening our local communities. However, our approach goes beyond the donation of money and products. We are strongly committed to building true strategic partnerships with our grantees – partnerships that leverage the combined passion and commitment of both Brady and the community organizations and programs we support.
In addition, we enjoy a high level of employee engagement in both our Foundation work and Volunteer Programs. In fact, both programs are managed and implemented without any paid staff and instead rely on a dedicated team of Brady professionals who volunteer their time.
Life at Brady
The performance of our company and our products depends on the performance of our people. As a company "where performance matters most," Brady strives to employ world-class talent at all levels. Today Brady employs more than 8,000 people around the globe. These employees experience the best of both worlds: a "small company" workplace culture combined with the advantages of working for a large, global organization. At Brady we encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in all our employees and look to develop leadership potential at all levels.
Knowing that it's important for people to work at organizations that align with their personal values and at organizations they can be proud of, we took time in 2011 to review and refresh our corporate values.
To help give our employees an unrivaled work experience, and to ensure that we are maximizing the potential of every employee in the company, we engaged in a number of development activities, including a stronger Organizational Talent Review, a company-sponsored Women's Leadership Alliance and a more prestigious and global President's Exceptional Value Award Program. Key to the success of our programs is an on-going effort to solicit feedback from employees to determine what is working well and where improvements are needed. An example of this is our Voice of the Employee Program (VOE) in the Americas.
All of this helps us to continue being an employer of choice now, and into the future.
Charts do not include PDC employees which were acquired on 12/28/2013. Including PDC, Brady's workforce totals over 8,000.