Management Approach (Con't)
Organizational Talent Review
To better understand what specific talent is needed in our organization, Brady Human Resources works in partnership with leadership teams through out the company to evaluate if we have the right people, whether or not they have the right skills, and are we developing them appropriately in order for them to grow and the business to grow. This talent review identifies employees that are top candidates for senior management positions, creates personal development plans that are tied to employee aspirations, and identifies potential gaps and development needs. This program not only ensures that Brady will have the talent it needs for the future, but also plays a key role in employee retention by helping employees see their career path in the organization and envision their future success at Brady.
To complement this talent review and help develop leadership skills and the potential of our people, we instituted 3 new training courses in 2011, focusing on Strategic Thinking, Change Management and Managing Productivity. These were rolled out across our global operations in 387 training sessions representing 3834 total training hours.